Over the years, many people have entrusted Patrick to meet their personal training needs.  His clientele has consisted of C-Suites (Technology CEOs and Pharmaceutical Executive Vice President), Various Company Directors, Physicians, Educators, and Technology Administrators of various companies in the RTP Area.  These individuals have worked with Patrick because they trust his judgement on providing for their exercises needs as well as his strict protection of their privacy, given their influential positions. 

Our personal training studio creates an atmosphere that allows our clients to discuss freely their needs for becoming healthier without the concerns of others listening in.  That is one of the major benefits of training at our YOUTRAINFITNESS® private personal training studio. 

Additionally, the one-on-one attention you will receive at the YOUTRAINFITNESS® private personal training studio is unmatched.  We work FOR YOU to get you the results that you want.  Your investment in personal training doesn’t end after each session.  We are constantly reviewing your workouts, making improvements, identifying other exercises to perform for best results, constantly following up to make sure your needs are being addressed. 

As a result of our determination to work on your behalf, our clients, to include some of the aforementioned individuals have referred others to work with us to include write nice things about their experiences. 

With these professionals continuing to entrust Patrick with their care, it is one of the biggest compliments one can receive!  He accepts with gratitude!  It’s your turn!

Want results?  Receive the expert attention to help you achieve the functionality you deserve!  Schedule a  Free Consultation