Patrick Service, M.S. ACSM-EP, CPT, CET, CES, PES
Certified Exercise Physiologist | Personal Trainer
Inventor and Organizing Member


3 American College of Sports Medicine - EP-C, CPT, CET,
2 National Academy of Sports Medicine - CES, PES

American College of Sports Medicine - Certified Exercise Physiologist
American College of Sports Medicine - Certified Personal Trainer
American College of Sports Medicine/American Cancer Society - Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer

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National Academy of Sports Medicine - Corrective Exercise Specialist
National Academy of Sports Medicine - Performance Enhancement Specialist

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During my early years teaching special and physical education, I once admonished a student who was “hogging” the basketball during a game to pass it to his teammates.  I said “There is no I in team” to which he retorted, “No, but there is ME”  Clever lad.. But there is ME…smh.  I am very interested in developing the right customer-centered team in the future.  For now it’s “PLENTY OF ME.”  All 110%!

I am a FOCUSED entrepreneurial professional in the areas of education, coaching and fitness. Each area has helped me to benefit from learning, helping others to become their best and having the highest respect for HEALTH.

My journey in EDUCATION began after receiving my Masters and as a special education teacher to give a voice to students who were often misunderstood. I was very EFFECTIVE at helping my colleagues see beyond our students’ disabilities (labels). I attributed this gift to almost being misdiagnosed as a youth, receiving help from a church member (former teacher) to avoid this trap and becoming DEDICATED to pay it forward by advocating for my students. As a first-year teacher, I was voted teacher/counselor of the year for NC by the American Re-EDucation Association. This was a great HONOR! Working with exceptional children helped me to develop PATIENCE which further helped me with becoming a better coach and fitness professional for my clients.

As a COACH in the field of health and personal development, I’ve combined my love for READING (at least three hours per day) and LEARNING from many professionals to help my clients make behavioral changes that have benefited them personally and professionally. Often, as a challenge arose, I was able to LISTEN attentively, and further ask questions which resulted in a breakthrough for my clients to identify a solution for their challenge.

As a CERTIFIED EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGIST, I have been fortunate to IMPACT the lives of over 200 clients. This impact has ranged from helping clients to function better by building strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and reducing body fat to maintaining their exercise HABIT beyond our trainer-client relationship.

Now that I have ventured in the entrepreneurial space as an organizing member of The YOUTRAINFITNESS® Personal Training studio and INVENTOR of an exercise mat that IMPROVES pushups (PEAMS® Push-up Mat). I would love to demonstrate the value of our PEAMS® to persons in the Military, Law Enforcement, Schools, Organizations and Fitness Professionals. Our PEAMS® is currently used by many fitness enthusiasts.

The FACTS: I am an ASSET. I have EXCEEDED all expectations in all positions I have held. My MARKS have been of the HIGHEST range because I have developed a work ethic to provide the very best SERVICE for my students, clients, supervisors, and business partners. I also value GENUINE social interactions with a DIVERSE group of individuals throughout my career in the areas of education, coaching and fitness. If you share these values, let’s work together!



Middle school students are at a critical time in their lives when making good choices matters - the decisions they make in these formative years have an impact on their future success. - Danny K. Davis

Patrick was born in Montego Bay, Jamaica and in 1981, he and family moved to the Bronx, New York.  He attended public school and escaped a number of attempts in middle school were one teacher and a school psychologist were determined to arrest his development, suggesting that he needed to be placed in special education.  Fortunately, his mother did not agree with their assessments and, with the intervention and guidance of a retired teacher and deacon of the church, denied them the opportunity to administer “their” psychological evaluation.  Up until 12th grade, Patrick excelled academically in school.  He participated in numerous student organizations and played basketball.  He received numerous academic awards in high school and was recognized by the Daily News and NY Yankees during his senior year as a student who excelled academically and athletically.


School completion is the single best predictor of future economic success - Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated
Upon graduating for John F. Kennedy High School, Patrick attended Virginia State University in Petersburg, VA where he majored in Health and Physical Education K-12.  During his college years, Patrick excelled academically, and participated in various organizations and activities.

Activities: Delta Psi Kappa Honorary Major Fraternity, 1992, Beta Gamma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated1992-1995, Vice President of Student Government Association 1992-1994, Internship with the Honorable Lawrence Douglas Wilder, Governor of Virginia’s Policy office 1993, Kappa Delta Pi International Honorary Society in Education, 1994

Awards: VSU Student of Excellence School of Liberal Arts 1995, Health and Physical Education Academic Achievement Award, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, Honor’s College, 1990-91, 1991-92, Deans List, 1990-91, 1991-92, 1993-1994, 1994-1995, Who’s Who among American Universities and College Students, 1994, National Student Government Association Award, 1994, Health and Physical Education Chairperson’s Award, 1995


There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning. Jiddu Krishnamurti
Upon graduating from Virginia State University, Cum Laude, Patrick attended Indiana University, Bloomington to pursue his Masters’ degree in the Department of Health Physical Education and Recreation.  While at Indiana University, he received an Equal Opportunity Fellowship award and published in the Illuminare (a peer-reviewed student journal).  Patrick graduated in December 1996 Magna Cum Laude.


Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. Pele
In January, 1997, Patrick began his journey in the “work” world at the Whitaker School in Butner, North Carolina as a Rehabilitation Specialist for adolescents who were troubled and troubling.  He held this position for six months before he was promoted to a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS).  He held his CTRS position for four months before obtaining his teaching licenses and was promoted to a Licensed Evening Education Teacher/Counselor.  He taught Physical Education.  While at the Whitaker School he also earned an add-on license in Special Education.  His interest in working with at-risk youth was fueled by his desire to become a voice for students who were often misunderstood because their upbringing and socialization process were different from their teachers.  In 1998, Patrick received the Teacher of the Year Award (for 1997) at the Whitaker School by the American Re-Education Association at their Biennial Conference.  Patrick was nominated numerous times for the same award throughout his teaching career.  After two years of employment at the Whitaker School Patrick was promoted to the position of Evening Education Program Director.  While at the Whitaker School, Patrick developed a Positive Education Program which allowed students, teachers and staff to write positive comments about one another other.  For the students, these comments, written by their teachers and staff, led to an improvement of on-task behaviors.  Using his exercise education background, Patrick also developed a strength training curricula that was instrumental in helping the students to remain physical active.  After 11 years of teaching and facilitating exercise instructions to students, Patrick decided to resign from the Whitaker School in June, 2008 with the goal to start a nonprofit organization for at-risk youth.


There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Colin Powell
In October 2008, while exercising on squared tiles in his kitchen, Patrick came up with the concept of what would become the first and only Exercise Alignment Mat System to standardize the pushup exercise hand-width position and improve participants’ pushup performance.  Excited about this idea, Patrick spent over 300 hours researching the patentability of this concept.  He frequented bookstores, university and public libraries, coffee shops and the United States Patent and Trademark’s Office (USPTO) website daily.  Because he had invested monies monthly to his emergency savings account, over his 10 years of teaching, Patrick was able to sustain himself comfortably for the years that would come without a regular source of income.  During this time Patrick was also studying for his American College of Sports Medicine Personal Trainer’s certification.  Certain about his mat idea and research conducted, a Design and Utility Patent were filed by his patent attorney for an Exercise Alignment Mat System.

In 2009, Patrick successfully became an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer and established YOUTRAINFITNESS, LLC.  He later also became an ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist.  During this time, Patrick researched and worked with a company in Seattle, Washington that was instrumental in helping to get the exercise alignment mat manufactured.


We learned about honesty and integrity - that the truth matters... that you don't take shortcuts or play by your own set of rules... and success doesn't count unless you earn it fair and square. Michelle Obama
In 2010 his concept of an Exercise Alignment Mat System materialized into the first of eight issued design and utility patents domestically and internationally. Patrick began training clients on his Exercise Alignment Mat System (now branded as the The PEAMS® Push-up Mat and over the years has been successful at developing other ways the mat could be used beyond Push-up Training and Assessment. In 2013, Patrick accepted a part-time Certified Personal Trainer position with the UNC Wellness Centers at NW Cary, which he held until November 2021.  In this role, Patrick excelled at assessing the fitness level and developing/implementing individualized fitness programs for training clients, while providing outstanding customer service.  Patrick also conducted lectures, workshops and group fitness classes which were well attended.  See Vita below for more details.


Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored. Earl Nightingale
Patrick is very excited about the next stage of development of the The PEAMS® Push-up Mat.  There are already new ideas in the works.  He has had the opportunity to exhibit the The PEAMS® Push-up Mat before other exercise science students, professionals and faculty who are marveled by his breakthrough invention.  His business focus is to provide this solid product through his company YOUTRAINFINTESS, LLC to the Military, Law Enforcement, Schools, College and University Exercise Science Programs, Wellness Centers and product end users who would like to improve the testing and training abilities.


In general, any form of exercise, if pursued continuously, will help train us in perseverance. Long-distance running is particularly good training in perseverance. Mao Zedong

In 2024 Patrick opened a brick and mortar Personal Training Studio in Durham, North Carolina to add more legitimacy as a business owner and also create an opportunity to merge his invention of The PEAMS® Push-up Mat with his love for personal training by helping people to get healthier with a focus of developing their HealthSpan.


There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why. William Barclay

Patrick’s goal in starting a non-profit organization has shifted since working to market his invention.  His new goal is to provide jobs for others by growing YOUTRAINFITNESS, LLC.   Once this goal has been realized, he would like to establish a foundation to help fund other non-profit organizations whose values are in line with his to provide the highest level of care for at-risk youth as well as offer scholarships to aspiring and current college students.  YOUTRAINFINTESS, LLC has already donated monies to the Gate City Chapter of North State Law Enforcement Officers Association to provide scholarships monies for students attending colleges in North Carolina.


Mama was is my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love. Stevie Wonder
Patrick credits his continued development to his mother (Finnetta) for having the foresight to understand his potential.  Looking back at his formative years and knowing what he knows now, as a former licenses teacher, if his mother had granted the school permission to perform a psychological evaluation when requested, you would not be reading his bio right now and all the lives that he has had the opportunity to impact and will impact would not occur.  Patrick, remains grateful to his mother and family for their continued love and support. Patrick lives in Durham, North Carolina