Mini Band Ankle Exercises

Why performing ankle exercises are important…

Are you performing ankle exercises as part of your workout?  If not, pick up a mini band and get started.  Here’s why.  Performing ankle exercises will help you to maintain balance when you are standing or walking on leveled or uneven terrain as they get stronger.  That’s right, something as simple on an uneven surface can cause an ankle injury.  For dancers and athletes, having strong ankles will you help you perform movements in many directions with greater confidence.  Persons who have weak ankles are at an increased risk for sprains which could lead to falls and broken bones.  This could be prevented or reduced by performing ankle exercises with a mini band

Below are four simple ankle exercises that you can perform  to help you build strength in this area of the lower body.  When performing these ankle exercises, its important to choose the proper mini band.  Choosing a mini band that will allow you to have full range of movement while preforming the exercises is suggested.

For most user, the extra light (green) mini band will provide the proper tension for persons looking to build ankle strength.

For users who’s ankles may be able to tolerate additional resistance the light (blue) mini band is suggested.

For users who have developed strength from using the blue mini band the medium (yellow) mini band provides an excellent resistance and is a suitable progression.

If you are not sure which tension level is right for you when performing ankle exercises, purchasing the 3 pack mini bands through this special link will ensure that you have the correct tension level and include a discount off the individual band purchase.

Below is the suggested order when performing these ankle exercises.  If you are performing the total body strength workout using resistance bands, you may skip the first ankle exercise below since heel raises strengthen the ankles as well using the same motion.  Consulting your health care provider is suggested before performing these exercises so that s/he can evaluate if these exercises are right for you.

 I. Mini Band Ankle Plantar Flexion (muscle area strengthened – Ankle)

Sit on the floor or chair and rest the back of your lower leg on a rolled towel or foam roller.  Place the extra light or light mini band over the forefoot.  Engage the core and press your foot forward.  Pause at the top of the range of motion and slowly return forefoot to the start position.  Repeat for a total of 8-12 or 10-15 repetitions. 


II. Mini Band Ankle Dorsiflexion (muscle area strengthened – Ankle)

Attach the extra light or light mini band around a stable object or attach it to our resistance tube door anchor (towards the bottom of the hinge side of the door).  Sit on the floor or chair with the mini band in front of you. Rest the back of your lower leg on a rolled towel or foam roller then place MLB around the your forefoot.  Maintain constant tension on the mini band, engage the core then pull your foot towards your shin.  Pause at the top of the range of motion, then return your forefoot slowly back to the start position.  Repeat for a total of 8-12 or 10-15 repetitions. 

Mini Band Ankle Exercises
Mini Band Ankle Exercises


III. Mini Band Ankle Inversion (muscle area strengthened – Ankle)

Attach the extra light or light mini band around a stable object or attach it to our resistance band door anchor (towards the level of the foot on the hinge side of the door).  Sit on the floor or chair with the mini band on the forefoot closest to the anchor point as shown.  Rest the back of your lower leg on a rolled towel or foam roller.  Maintain constant tension on the mini band, engage your core then pull your foot towards the center of the body.  Pause at the top of the range of motion, then return your foot slowly back to the start position.  Repeat for a total of 8-12 or 10-15 repetitions. 


IV. Mini Band Ankle Eversion (muscle area strengthened – Ankle)

Attach the extra light or light mini band around a stable object or attach it to our resistance band door anchor (towards the level of the foot on the hinge side of the door).  Sit on the floor or chair with the mini band on the forefoot farthest away from the anchor point as shown.  Rest the back of your lower leg on a rolled towel or foam roller.  Maintain constant tension on the mini band, engage your core then pull your foot away from the center of the body.  Pause at the top of the range of motion, then return your foot slowly back to the start position.  Repeat for a total of 8-12 or 10-15 repetitions.

These ankle exercises can be performed at the start of your workout or specifically after you perform lower body exercises.  The mini band used above is here however; to perform these and other exercises when using the mini loop band, we recommend the best deal of purchasing the six mini band set, pick one up today!

Band Ankle Inversion
Mini Band Ankle Exercises

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Patrick is an ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist, the inventor of the PEAMS® Push-up Mat, organizing member of YOUTRAINFITNESS®, and a former K-12 physical and special educator of 10 years who loves to help people improve their PRODUCTIVITY and WELLNESS!  

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