Wrist exercises are generally overlooked by many individuals when they exercise. This is a HUGH mistake. Having strong wrists and forearms are essential to enhancing your performance of many pushing and pulling exercises to include the biceps curl and triceps extension. For example, one of the main indicators that your wrist is weak when performing a biceps curl or triceps extension is the inability to keep your wrist straight while lifting the weight. For people who do not exercises regularly, having strong wrists will enhance performing tasks that involve using your hands in everyday life. There are many muscles in your forearm that will benefit from good routine of wrist exercises.
Fortunately this is an easy fix with performing the correct muscle actions and using the proper equipment. Mini bands are very useful in this regard to help you develop strong wrist and forearms. Below are six exercises that are design to improve the strength in your wrist and forearm.
Wrist Exercise – Mini Band Wrist Flexion (muscle area strengthened – wrist)
Secure the mini band with your foot (step on ankle strap) and lift handle until back of forearm is resting on your thigh with wrist extended over your knee. Exhale and flex your wrist so that your palm comes up as far as possible while forearm remains on your thigh. Pause, inhale as you lower your wrist back to start position. Repeat for 12-15 repetitions.
Wrist Exercise – Mini Band Wrist Extension (muscle area strengthened – wrist)
Secure the mini band with your foot (step on ankle strap) and lift handle until front of forearm is resting on your thigh with wrist extended over your knee. Exhale and extend your wrist so that the back of your hand comes up as far as possible while forearm remains on your thigh. Pause, inhale as you lower your wrist back to start position. Repeat for 12-15 repetitions.
Wrist Exercises – Mini Band Wrist Pronation (muscle area strengthened – wrist)
Secure the mini band with your foot (step on ankle strap) and lift handle until back of forearm is resting on your thigh with wrist extended over your knee. Exhale and rotate your wrist towards the center of the body until thumb is faced up while forearm remains on your thigh. Pause, inhale as you lower your wrist back to start position. Repeat for 12-15 repetitions
Wrist Exercises – Mini Band Wrist Supination (muscle area strengthened – wrist)
Secure the mini band with your foot (step on ankle strap) and lift handle until back of forearm is resting on your thigh with wrist extended over your knee. Exhale and rotate your wrist towards the center of the body until thumb is faced up while forearm remains on your thigh. Pause, inhale as you lower your wrist back to start position. Repeat for 12-15 repetitions
Wrist Exercise – Mini Band Wrist Radial Deviation (muscle area strengthened – wrist)
Secure the mini band with your foot (step on ankle strap) and lift handle until side of forearm (thumb faced up) is resting on your thigh with wrist extended over your knee. Inhale and lower the pinky side of your hand towards the ground, then exhale while lifting thumb side up while forearm remains on your thigh. Pause, inhale as you lower your wrist back to start position. Repeat for 12-15 repetitions
Wrist Exercises – Mini Band Wrist Ulna Deviation (muscle area strengthened – wrist)
Secure the mini band with your foot (step on ankle strap) and lift handle until front of forearm is resting on your opposite thigh with wrist extended over your knee. Exhale and lift the pinky side of your hand out to the side and up. Pause, inhale as you lower your wrist back to start position. Repeat for 12-15 repetitions
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